***************************** * Please note: * ***************************** A. If the program does not run properly or returns the message "Not Enough Memory", please try the following: 1. In your CONFIG.SYS, change the line "DEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMS" to "DEVICE=EMM386.EXE 2048 RAM" and INSERT the line "DOS=HIGH,UMB". This way computer system will reserve 2MB EXTANDING MEMORY and also move your DOS to HIGH MEMORY ADDRESS and will FREE as much as EXECUTABLE MEMORY for programs. 2. In your AUTOEXEC.BAT, REMOVE the "SHARE.EXE" and some not necessarily TSR progarms. 3. If you are new to computing, it would be a good idea to BACKUP your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS to a floppy. This way you'll always have a way back! 4. If you'r using DOS 6.0 and up, you may use MEMMAKER command to modify EXTANDING MEMORY and move DOS to HIGH MEMORY ADDRESS. 5. Some programs will like to write data back to the disk (like HIGH SCORE BOARD or USER NAMES). This task is impossible to do on a CD-ROM Disc. To such programs, it is best to run from a hard drive if space permitting. 6. If problems persist, as a rule, you will find in each subdirectory, a README, .DOC, or .TXT file. Using a viewer, such a SEE.EXE included on this Disc, read these files. If problems still persist, the Author of each program is your best source of information. B. The Default Setting of Sound Card for programs is as fellow: 1. Address: 220 2. IRQ: 7 3. DMA: 1 If your Sound Card setting is different to above, you may COPY the game program to hard disk and reconfig it to the proper setting.